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AT5G52310.1   low-temperature-responsive protein 78 (LTI78) / desiccation-responsive protein 29A (RD29A)

Lab Annot. COR78 (COLD REGULATED 78)
Mapman: 20.2.2 stress.abiotic.cold
Curated Location
Species Arabidopsis thaliana     Source: TAIR Arabidopsis (v.11)
Links TAIR   PeptideAtlas   POGS   SUBA   Uniprot   PTM     Get sequence
Related Genes

AT5G52300.2 11Arabidopsis thaliana2E-8632557677 (4)_
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#Spots: The number of publicly accessible spots are in parenthesis

PFAM: DUF5799(2) Dynamin_N(3)
TargetP: Cytoplasm (Class 1 C0.102; M0.130; S0.056; _0.936)
Subcel. Location:
TM-HMM prediction: No
TAT position:
Length 710 aa (-cTP 676)
Molecular Weight 77.86 kDA(-cTP )
PI 4.45(-cTP )

Experimental Evidence


View Identified Peptides  

View GeneModel  

Expr*SpotMW nativeMW denaturedpI nativepI denaturedTypeMowseAmbiguityTissueSample fromGenotype
337Detail       bundle sheaths [A. thaliana]Bundle sheath total BS strands wild-type
361Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.07 wild-type
371Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue clpr4-1
451Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue clpr4-1
527Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue wild-type (wt1)
528Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue wild-type (wt2)
542Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] stroma (FPLC) >500 kDa (HMB) wild-type
543Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] stroma (FPLC) >600 kDa (HMA) wild-type
621Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue clpr4-1
622Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue wild-type
1202Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue clpp3 null
1207Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue clpp3 null
1208Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue clpp3 null
1392Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue wild-type (rep. 1)
1399Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.14 -rep. 1 clpp3-1
1400Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.14 -rep. 1 wild-type
1401Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.14 -rep. 1 clpp3-1
1402Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.14 -rep. 1 wild-type
1403Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.14 -rep. 1 clpp3-1
1404Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.14 -rep. 1 wild-type
1417Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue (2% sucrose) clpr4-1 (rep. 2)
1418Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue (2% sucrose) clpr4-1 (rep. 3)
1421Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue wild-type (rep. 1)
1422Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue wild-type (rep. 2)
1425Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue prep1xprep2xt1xt2 (rep. 2)
1426Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue prep1xprep2xt1xt2 (rep. 3)
1431Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue (2% sucrose) wild-type (rep. 2)
1439Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue (0 day HL) wild-type (rep. 1)
1530Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue - 30 uM CAP wild-type (rep. 1)
1531Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue - 40 uM CAP wild-type (rep. 1)
1938Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] chloroplast Prep1_Prep2
2113Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] Stroma stromawt
2182Detail       Rosettes [A. thaliana] total soluble tic40 and wt
2183Detail       Rosettes [A. thaliana] total soluble tic40 and wt
2191Detail        [A. thaliana] plastid stroma stromaP3-trap-strepII 40
2266Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] stroma Clp Clp C1 wild-type
2310Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] PG plastoglobule 
2311Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] PG plastoglobule 
2315Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] thylakoids thylakoid membrane 
2316Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] PG plastoglobule 
2318Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] PG plastoglobule 

* For details about the exprimental sources click here.

Published Proteomics Data

19525416(leaf (wt and clpr4-1 mutant))
19253305(phosphoproteins (etiolated seedling))
19376835(leaf phosphoproteins)
20166762(whole leaf)
19114538(guard cells Arabidopsis leaf)
21173025(root proteome)

Comparative Proteomics Data

©Klaas J. van Wijk Lab, Cornell University   Web Accessibility Help