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AT4G14090.1   UDP-Glycosyltransferase superfamily protein

Lab Annot. UDP-glucoronosyl/UDP-glucosyl transferase protein
Mapman: 26.2 misc.UDP glucosyl and glucoronyl transferases
Curated Location
Species Arabidopsis thaliana     Source: TAIR Arabidopsis (v.11)
Links TAIR   PeptideAtlas   POGS   SUBA   Uniprot   PTM     Get sequence
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#Spots: The number of publicly accessible spots are in parenthesis

PFAM: Glyco_transf_28(1) UDPGT(1)
TargetP: Mitochondria (Class 1 C0.041; M0.876; S0.028; _0.067)
Subcel. Location:
TM-HMM prediction: No
TAT position:
Length 456 aa (-cTP 407)
Molecular Weight 50.70 kDA(-cTP )
PI 5.35(-cTP )

Experimental Evidence


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View GeneModel  

Expr*SpotMW nativeMW denaturedpI nativepI denaturedTypeMowseAmbiguityTissueSample fromGenotype
351Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.07 wild-type
352Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.07 wild-type
1345Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue (5 day HL) wild-type (rep. 1)
1346Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue (5 day HL) wild-type (rep. 2)
1347Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue (5 day HL) wild-type (rep. 3)
1349Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue (5 day HL) abck2xabck3 (rep. 2)
1350Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue (5 day HL) abck2xabck3 (rep. 3)
1394Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue wild-type (rep. 1)
1409Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.07 rep 1.1 wild-type
1410Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.07 rep 1.2 wild-type
1411Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.07 rep 1.1 clpr2-1
1412Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.07 rep 1.2 clpr2-1
1519Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] wild-type
1520Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] wild-type
1523Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] wild-type
1540Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] Thylakoids plastoglobulewild-type
1541Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] Thylakoids plastoglobuleM-48
1651Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] plastoglobules plastoglobulewild-type
2003Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] over expressed M48 plastoglobuleM48
2004Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] WT PG plastoglobuleWT
2005Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] RNAi PG plastoglobuleRNAi
2006Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] over expressed M48 plastoglobuleM48
2007Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] WT PG plastoglobuleWT
2008Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] RNAi PG plastoglobuleRNAi
2009Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue wild-type
2012Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue prep1-1xprep2-1xopda1-2
2028Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] WT PG plastoglobuleWT
2030Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] over expressed M48 plastoglobuleM48
2311Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] PG plastoglobule 
2312Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] thylakoids thylakoid membrane 
2316Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] PG plastoglobule 

* For details about the exprimental sources click here.

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