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AT3G46560.1   Tim10/DDP family zinc finger protein

Lab Annot. Tim10/DDP family zinc finger protein
Mapman: 29.3.2 protein.targeting.mitochondria
Curated Location
TAIR curated location: mitochondrion & mitochondrial intermembrane space14730085
Species Arabidopsis thaliana     Source: TAIR Arabidopsis (v.11)
Links TAIR   PeptideAtlas   POGS   SUBA   Uniprot   PTM     Get sequence
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#Spots: The number of publicly accessible spots are in parenthesis

PFAM: zf-Tim10_DDP(1)
TargetP: Cytoplasm (Class 3 C0.277; M0.080; S0.071; _0.866)
Subcel. Location:
TM-HMM prediction: No
TAT position:
Length 93 aa (-cTP 63)
Molecular Weight 10.72 kDA(-cTP )
PI 5.38(-cTP )

Experimental Evidence


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View GeneModel  

Expr*SpotMW nativeMW denaturedpI nativepI denaturedTypeMowseAmbiguityTissueSample fromGenotype
1351Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue t1-t2
1352Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue Prep1_Prep2
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1356Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue - low mass region wild-type
1357Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue - low mass region clpt1xclpt2
1394Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue wild-type (rep. 1)
1395Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue wild-type (rep. 1)
1396Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue clpt1xclpt2 (rep. 2)
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1403Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.14 -rep. 1 clpp3-1
1405Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.07 rep 2. wild-type
1407Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.07 rep 2. clpr2-1
1408Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue 1.07 rep 2. clpr2-1
1417Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue (2% sucrose) clpr4-1 (rep. 2)
1418Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue (2% sucrose) clpr4-1 (rep. 3)
1431Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total tissue (2% sucrose) wild-type (rep. 2)
1530Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue - 30 uM CAP wild-type (rep. 1)
1531Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue - 40 uM CAP wild-type (rep. 1)
1532Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue - 0 uM CAP clps (rep. 1)
1533Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue - 30 uM CAP clps (rep. 1)
1534Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue - 40 uM CAP clps (rep. 1)
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1577Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] TiO2 thylakoid membraneWT
1581Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] TiO2 thylakoid membraneK2K3
1582Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] TiO2 thylakoid membraneK2K3
1583Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] TiO2 thylakoid membraneK2K3
1596Detail        [A. thaliana]  
1611Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] chloroplast fractionation thylakoid membrane 
1612Detail       Natural Senescence leaf [A. thaliana] chloroplast fractionation thylakoid membrane 
1613Detail       Natural Senescence leaf [A. thaliana]  
1614Detail       Natural Senescence leaf [A. thaliana]  
1617Detail        [A. thaliana] m48
1651Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] plastoglobules plastoglobulewild-type
2007Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] WT PG plastoglobuleWT
2009Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue wild-type
2010Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue prep1-1xprep2-1
2011Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue opda1-2
2014Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue prep1-1xprep2-1
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2017Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] total leaf tissue wild-type
2252Detail       seedlings [A. thaliana] total tissue gfs9
2321Detail       leaf [A. thaliana]  
2324Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] THYLAKOIDS thylakoid membrane 
2325Detail       leaf [A. thaliana] thylakoids thylakoid membraneabc1k6

* For details about the exprimental sources click here.

Published Proteomics Data

MitoDB(Mitochondrial proteome)
19546170(mature pollen grains)
20706207(contaminants cell cycle interactome (cell culture))
21841088(mitochondria (2DE native gel))
21173025(root proteome)

Comparative Proteomics Data

©Klaas J. van Wijk Lab, Cornell University   Web Accessibility Help